Pinterest Princess

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 15- Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar

My hair looks clean and fresh doesn't it?!

I have always tried to find shampoo that was cheap, worked, and was as close to natural/green as possible. However, every bottle has a nice list of ingredients and chemicals in it. So, I found a new way to wash my hair. You use baking soda as shampoo and apple cider vinegar as a conditioner. Sounds pretty odd doesn't it?! The baking soda helps to remove the dirt but not strip the natural oils.  It is a little weird but it works. When you wash and condition with this stuff it doesn't get soapy which is hard to get used to, especially when you are used to the suds. All you have to do is put the mixture all over your head, until you feel like all your hair is covered, and then squish it around like you would normal shampoo and conditioner. Other pinners have said you have to try it for a few weeks because your scalp and hair have to get used to using it and relearn how much oil to produce. I have used it for a few days and my hair looks just as clean and fresh as when I used regular shampoo and conditioner...but now I am not soaking my hair in a bunch of chemicals, and it is all natural and green...and cheaper too! If you are wondering my hair does not smell like vinegar.

I put my new products in ketchup and mustard bottles from the dollar store.

1TBS baking soda
1 cup water
put them in a container and shake

1TBS apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
put them in a container and shake

Easy enough?! In reading what other have to say about it...if it is drying your hair out use less baking soda and if your hair is too oily add a little bit more.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to try this later on (I just opened a new bottle of shampoo yesterday). It sure did have a lot of ingredients. But I'm all about being healthy & saving money! I bet it would be funny to go into your bathroom & see ketchup and mustard in the shower. Having a BBQ? =)
