Pinterest Princess

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 16- Chairs and Chicken Salad

This was not something I found on pinterest, but I figured since this project has taken the place of my pinterest projects I would show you. Ever since I received my kitchen table and chair set I have wanted to update them by painting the legs and spindles black. My sister just got an apartment so she bought a kitchen table and chairs and had to refinish them, so while she did that I did mine too. It's amazing how something so small can make such a big difference in one room. I won't lie to you this wasn't the quickest or easiest project but it was worth it. The first thing I had to do was lightly sand every part of the chair I wanted to paint. Next I primed it and then painted it black. Sounds easy but it was tedious work.
After and before of the back

Before and after of the front

There has been a really yummy looking chicken salad floating around pinterest for the past few months, avocado chicken salad. I like avocado so I had been wanting to try it, but every time I went to the grocery store I would forget to buy the main ingredient...avocado. Last time I was there I made a point to buy one so I could try it. It was so worth wait, this chicken salad was delicious! (and better for mayonnaise!) The recipe on the pin did not have quantities of each ingredient so I made it up...
super yummy lunch

Avocado Chicken Salad

1 large can chicken
1 avocado
2 green onions
2 tsp lime juice
1 tsp salt
pinch pepper

In a medium size bowl scoop out the inside of the avocado and mash it up so it is creamy
Dice the green onions
Add the onion, chicken, lime juice, salt, and pepper to the avocado and stir it all together

Serve with chips, crackers, or on a sandwich


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (I had a grammar mistake so I had to delete it.. The chairs look nice. How long have you been working on them? Did you keep them outside so the paint wouldn't end up being touched by little fingers while it was drying?
