Pinterest Princess

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 8- Burlap and Bookcases

We were in need of a new laundry basket for our bedroom. The one we used to have is now James' toy box downstairs. I saw an awesome idea of turning a diaper box into a burlap box...and it was really really cute! Since I have plenty of diaper and wipes boxes I thought this would be a perfect way to reuse them. If you are going to try this fun craft I suggest getting burlap at Lowe's it is cheaper than Home Depot and you get 72 square feet of it.

So How do you make this cute's quite simple...

Step 1: Get a box that is in good shape and cut off the flaps as evenly as you can

Step 2: Paint the box with a dark color...if not you will see the colors through the burlap

Jordyn drew cute pictures inside the box while I painted
Step 3: Cut a piece of burlap and wrap the box as if you were wrapping a present make sure enough goes inside so that you will not be able to see it. Use hot glue to attach the burlap to the will need LOTS of hot glue
Step 4: Add can do whatever you want I did a ribbon and fabric flowers (Instructions below)
Step 5: Put it all together and ta da...You're done!
I have been wanting to spruce up my bookcases for a while, every time I looked at them I did not like what I saw, too many pictures and not enough decorative elements. Pinterest, of course, had a cure for my bookcase blues, an entire blog entry devoted to making your bookcases look more appealing. So far all I have done is fixed up one section, but I cleared out a lot of the clutter (AKA books, movies, and games). The one section that I did fix up today made such a huge improvement, I was shocked and happy with the final results. Some of the helpful tips on the site were to include layers, use books as pedestals, and add a variety of pictures and decorative elements. I will continue to improve and I will add pictures too...right now though I need a trip to Kirkland's to get some more fun stuff!!
The blog entry can be found at SAS Interiors
after...which do you like better?


Flower directions
Step 1: Cut a strip of fabric...approx. 1 inch width
Step 2: Twist the fabric

Step 3: Roll the fabric into a spiral...use a foot or another object to hold the opposite end down while you roll it up

Step 4: Using hot glue put blobs of glue around and in between the spirals to hold it together. Put a large blob on the back and take the tail end and attach it to the back...then you are all done :)

1 comment:

  1. I really like the burlap box, especially with the ribbon and flowers! As for the picture frames & Marine hat, I like the "after" better. Less blank space behind the stuff. =)
